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Tuesday, April 14, 2015.

simg_1706Volunteers set up a booth at Scarborough Gurdwara on Vaisakhi to get more members in the community involved in activities. Names were collected for the C.N.Tower Stair Climb, G.S.United Soccer Club, Inspirational Steps registration, Nagar Kirtan bus seva, and Sikh Heritage Month celebrations at Scarborough Civic Centre.

Sunday, February 15, 2015.

buildingbridges_1This year’s Building Bridges was focused on improving the “Inspirational Steps” event to be held on May 17th. Even though it was the coldest day this year, at -25°C during the day without wind chill, 36 participants braved the elements to work on making this event even more challenging and enjoyable. The participants were Read more…

Wednesday, December 31, 2014.

Application Deadline: August 1st, 2015

1. General Information about the EAP

2. Application Rules and Guidelines

3. Application Process and Deadline Dates

4. Application Form

5. FAQ

6. Recipients

Confidential questions send email to eap1@ggscf.com

Guru Nanak Education Assistance Program Logo

General Information about the EAP
The GGSCF Guru Nanak Education Assistance Program (EAP) is one of the projects of the Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation (GGSCF), which was set up in 1999 under the vision of “…children helping children…”. Over a period of time, several community members have asked for a fund to be set up to help Sikh students in need of financial assistance to help them complete their university/college education. On Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Gurpurab in 2008, a Sikh philanthropist pledged a generous donation to the GGSCF if the organization could establish and administer a Sikh student loan program. The initial pilot program is to help Sikh students in Ontario, however the long term aim is to grow the program across Canada in the future.

The Guru Nanak EAP Fund is administered by a four-member honorary EAP Committee appointed by the GGSCF. The GGSCF is seeking to have this non-profit cause approved by the Canada Revenue Agency so that tax receipts can be issued to those contributing to the EAP. However until this has been established and approved by Revenue Canada tax receipts will not be issued for any money contributed to the Guru Nanak EAP.

The Guru Nanak EAP will make loan awards once a year. Awards will range from $500 to $5000 per year. While financial need is the most important criteria for eligibility, consideration is also given to academic ability, involvement in community activities or sewa and assessment of the credibility of the individual to pay back the loan. All applicants must be attending or should have been admitted to an accredited course of study (University/College in Canada). Applicants selected for the awards will usually be high school seniors or college students. Awards are in the form of interest-free loan(s) for which repayment is required after graduation. The repaid funds will be re-invested by the GGSCF to aid more students is the future through the Guru Nanak EAP.

Applications may only be made on the application form and must reach the EAP Committee before August 1st, 2013 (must be post marked by this date to be eligible). Completed applications are reviewed by the EAP Committee of the GGSCF and results will be announced by early September. Successful students will be considered for funding in the subsequent years of study (but there will be no guarantee) if they provide proof of satisfactory academic performance, inform the EAP regularly of their academic progress, change of address and demonstrate continuing financial need.
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Application Rules and Guidelines
This Guru Nanak EAP has been set up to provide loans to Sikh students in financial need to complete their education. The loan program is administered by a EAP Committee established by the GGSCF and all application information submitted will remain confidential with this Committee.

1. Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and reside in Ontario.

2. All applicants must show proof of acceptance into a full time accredited university/college in Canada.

3. Each applicant must submit an application form, which should include verifiable financial information. The following documents must accompany the application: proof of acceptance into a college or institution of higher learning, a recent photo of the applicant, copies of recent high school or college grade transcripts and names and addresses of three (3) references in their community. The EAP Committee may contact the references provided to verify and confirm details, and inquire about the applicant. Only completed application forms will be reviewed and it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all questions are answered.

4. Each applicant must provide financial information regarding his/her parents or guardians. This should include financial statements or earning records. Copies of the latest available tax returns, (form T4 only) are acceptable. This information will be used to determine the degree of need of the applicant and all such information will be treated confidentially.

5. Each applicant shall disclose all other financial aid that he/she is receiving.

6. The amount of aid that can be awarded each year will be decided by the GGSCF Board based on the funds available to the EAP Committee. All decisions of the EAP Committee shall be final and there shall be no appeal.

7. All applicants must provide twice yearly progress reports from their college/ university indicating satisfactory academic performance. Failure to achieve satisfactory performance, as determined by the EAP Committee, or failure to furnish progress reports may result in cessation of funding. The funds already awarded will have to be repaid in the manner outlined below.

8. Repayment: All monies awarded as loans to the applicant will be repaid to the GGSCF Guru Nanak EAP. Repayment shall begin within 6 months after the applicant has started in a salaried position or 12 months after graduation, whichever is the earliest. The period over which the loan will be repaid will be the number of annual loans received multiplied by 2 years (e.g. if a candidate received 3 annual loans, the repayment period will be 6 years). The monthly payments are calculated as:
Total amount borrowed / (period of loan repayment x 12).

9. No interest will be charged on funds awarded, but all candidates are encouraged to make a contribution to the GGSCF Guru Nanak EAP, after they have completed repayment of the original amount borrowed.

10. Each candidate may be asked to present himself/herself for an interview with the EAP Committee. Expenses for such an interview will be borne by the candidate. The Committee will endeavor to arrange such interviews to avoid any unnecessary hardship on the applicant.

11. Canvassing any member of the EAP Committee, directly or indirectly, shall result in disqualification of the applicant. Appeals or explanation of decision should be sought from the GGSCF Board and not from the EAP Committee.

12. No child or close relative of an EAP Committee shall be eligible for benefits under this program. Applicants or EAP Committee members must disclose such a conflict of interest to the EAP Committee and the GGSCF Board who will determine what steps are necessary.

13. Applicants will be responsible for informing the Fund of any change in address, telephone numbers, emails, study program etc. Updated information must be emailed to the EAP Committee within 30 days of the change.

14. Each applicant agrees to be bound by these rules and shall so indicate on his/her application form. Funding may be terminated if, in the opinion of the EAP Committee, the applicant has violated the rules or criteria of eligibility for the loan. In cases of dispute or should there be any clarification required, the ruling of the EAP Committee of the GGSCF Board shall be final.

15. All applications must be received by the due date to allow adequate time for review. The last date for receipt of completed application forms shall be June 30th of each year. (Awards will be announced by early September)
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Application Form
Application Form – Word Document
Application Form – PDF file
Applicatant can use either download and use either of these forms.
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Application Process and Deadline Dates
For Application Process Flowchart, Click here
• Application forms are available online and must be completed in full and postmarked no later than July 15th in order to receive funding for the following semester starting in September.
• Following this your application will be reviewed by July 20th. Those who do not qualify will be notified at this time. Those who are short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.
• Interviews will take place on the weekend at the end of July and early August in Toronto.
• Successful applicants will be informed by the end of August.
• The loan will be available by the first week in September.
• Successful applicants will be announced on our website together with a picture and some details of the studies that you are undertaking.
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1. What is EAP?
The Guru Nanak Education Assistance Program (EAP) is one of the projects of the Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation (GGSCF). It is set up to help Sikh students in need of financial assistance to complete their university/college education through an interest-free loan program. It will initially be available to help Sikh students in Ontario, although in time our aim is to grow the program across Canada.
2. What is the eligibility criterion?
While financial need is the most important criteria for eligibility, consideration is also given to academic ability, involvement in community activities or sewa and assessment of the credibility of the individual to pay back the loan. All applicants must be attending or should have been admitted to an accredited course of study (university/college in Canada).
3. How much loan award is available?
Loan awards will range from $500 to $5000 per year. Each application will be assessed and funds for the applicant will be allocated as deemed appropriate by the EAP Committee.
4. How is the EAP calculated?
EAP is a needs based program. This means that your financial assistance through EAP is calculated on your unique situation and requirements. Each application is thoroughly analyzed by the EAP Committee to justify an appropriate amount.
5. How is the loan repaid?
All monies awarded as loans to the applicant will be repaid to the GGSCF EAP. Repayment shall begin 6 months after the applicant has started in a salaried position or 12 months after graduation, whichever is the earliest. The period over which the loan will be repaid will be the number of annual loans received multiplied by 2 years (e.g. if a candidate received 3 annual loans, the repayment period will be 6 years). The monthly payments are calculated as:
Total amount borrowed / (period of loan repayment x 12).
6. Is there interest on the loan?
No interest will be charged on funds awarded, but all candidates are encouraged to make a contribution to the GGSCF EAP, after they have completed repayment of the original amount borrowed.
7. How do I apply for the loan?
Application forms are available online and must be completed in full and postmarked by July 15th in order to receive funding for the following September. For Application Form, Click here.
See Application Process and Deadline Dates (Click here).
8. Is there an application fee?
No. There is no application fee, whether applications are submitted online by email, posted via regular mail or hand-delivered. If hand delivered, must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on the outside EAP Committee – Application Documents.
9. Do I need to re-apply for the loan each year until completion of my course?
Yes. You must submit a new application for each year of study that you would like to receive a loan award. The loan amount will be determined based on your circumstances each year.
10. How will I receive my funds?
The EAP Committee will contact you regarding your loan and how the loan funds will be directed to you.
11. Can I appeal the amount of funding I need?
No. The decision of the EAP Committee is final.
12. Who do I contact if I need help?
If you have any questions, you can contact us by email: eap1@ggscf.com
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a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ryerson University
a degree in Law from the University of Windsor
training to become a pilot
a degree in Science from the University of Toronto
a degree in Neuroscience from Brock University
a degree in Law from the University of Windsor
a degree in Business Management from Ryerson University
a degree in Civil Engineering from Ryerson University
a 3D Animation & Visual Effects certification from the Vancouver Film School

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Mailing address for applications:
GGSCF Guru Nanak Education Assistance Program
503-7700 Hurontario Street, Suite 50
Brampton, Ontario
L6Y 4M3

Sunday, October 19, 2014.

stwm2014_2Representatives of the GGSCF helped by volunteering and participating in this year’s Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (STWM) that marked its 25th anniversary. Over 20,000 participants took part in the 5km, half marathon and marathon races. The winner of the marathon was Laban Korir who completed the 42.2km Read more…

Saturday, October 4, 2014.

img_7576The forecast for the day was cold and wet – the first day of fall weather, and this may be why many who registered to participate did not show up. However, 20 participants did show up, starting from Hidden Valley Park and trekked along streams, trails, the waterfront along Hamilton Harbour, Read more…

Saturday, September 20, 2014.

img_0976At the Mayfield Nagar Kirtan, some of the GGSCF volunteers got to meet Major D.P. Singh, a veteran of the Kargil war of 1999. As a result of injuries, his right leg was amputated and he now uses a prosthesis. He has run half marathons in India and is known as India’s Blade Runner. He was brought to Canada by Read more…

Saturday, August 23, 2014.

simg_7054The Annual Seniors Trip this year was to Hamilton. Seniors from Dixie, Malton, Mayfield, Rexdale and Scarborough Gurdwara gathered on Saturday August 23rd to be bused to the Sikh Sangat Hamilton Gurdwara in Dundas. There they had tea/pakoras and then headed to the Royal Botanical Gardens for an afternoon Read more…

Tuesday, August 5, 2014.

img_4139Runners began the day with another 6 a.m. start just west of Dundas. As the sun rose above the surrounding trees and the fog began to lift, the run continued through Dundas and down into the heart of Hamilton. It then passed by Guru Ravi Dass Gurdwara Sahib in Burlington where we stopped to take a break Read more…

Sunday, August 3, 2014.

img_4055The third day of the run saw runners pass through Woodstock and the very quiet but scenic country roads of Oxford County. As the day progressed, it grew hotter and hotter, yet this did not deter the spirits of the runners as they continued to make great progress ahead of schedule. By noon, we had reached the Region of Read more…

Saturday, August 2, 2014.

img_3802The team was back to an early start today, beginning where we left off yesterday at the town hall in Thamesville. As the sun rose, runners marched down the wide-shouldered Highway 2 and were full of so much energy that they would run in pairs. With great weather, a good stretch of road, and keen runners, the kilometres began Read more…