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Friday, August 1, 2014.

img_3711sOn August 1st, 2014 the children and youth of the Guru Gobind Singh Children’s Foundation began their 15th Anniversary Relay Run from Windsor to Toronto. It was in 1999, when the youth decided to complete a similar event from Toronto to Ottawa that spanned 7 days. The youth were very excited and looking forward to Read more…

Sunday, May 18, 2014.

is_5Victoria Day weekend saw the 2nd annual Inspirational Steps run/walk event take place, stretching across the GTA. 185 participants began the journey at Dixie Gurdwara’s Nishan Sahib and braved distances of 5km, 12km, 21.1km and 42.2km. It turned out to be a wonderful day, with perfect weather for the Read more…

Saturday, May 3, 2014.

cntower2014In total 32 participants from the GGSCF group took part and raised $2400 for the World Wildlife Fund to preserve habitat for the wild animals with which we share this earth with. While all participants are winners climbing the second tallest tower in the world, this year the fastest person in the GGSCF group was Read more…

Wednesday, April 30, 2014.

fooddrive_1The GGSCF would like to thank the sangat at Scarborough Gurdwara who collected 3740lbs of food for the Daily Bread Food Bank on the occasion of Vaisakhi. We are also grateful to the employees from Mondelez International who collected money for the food drive at their work and brought rice, soup, pasta and biscuits to Read more…

Sunday, April 27, 2014.

nagarkirtanbuses_1The 315th Anniversary of the birth of the Khalsa was celebrated by thousands of Sikhs in Toronto with the Annual Nagar Kirtan from the CNE Grounds to City Hall. The GGSCF volunteers were again looking after the bus seva, managing 86 buses that shuttled members of the sangat from 17 different stops around the GTA to Read more…

Monday, April 14, 2014.

vaisakhiboothDuring the Vaisakhi celebrations at Scarborough Gurdwara, the Foundation set up a booth to tell the community about some of our upcoming events. The focus was on getting people to register for the Inspirational Steps event as well as the GS United Youth Soccer season and volunteers were able to get the word out to Read more…

Sunday, April 6, 2014.

tieturbanday_1On April 6th, St. Mark’s United Church in Scarborough hosted a “Tie a Turban Day” and welcomed Charanjit Singh, the event organizer, and a couple dozen members of the Sikh community, including some Foundation members, to their Sunday service. Churchgoers had a chance to have a dastaar tied by which they were Read more…

Sunday, December 29, 2013.

punjabipressdinner_1The Punjabi Press Club of Canada held a dinner on December 29th to celebrate achievements and honour individuals within the Punjabi community. The Foundation was invited and recognized among other volunteer groups for the work we do in the community. Two of our volunteers attended to accept an award and Read more…

Sunday, December 29, 2013.

buildingbridges2013_1This year’s Building Bridges was focused on “Why” we do the things we do. The session, which was attended by 32 people, was run by Amanjit, Jagdeep, Nimratvir and Sarpreet. After a very competitive ice breaker the members spent time on trying to understand “why” we do the things we do in our personal life and Read more…

Wednesday, December 4, 2013.

fooddrive_1This November, sangat donated generously during our 19th Annual Guru Nanak Food Drive in support of the Toronto Daily Bread Food Bank. Altogether, 7786lbs of food was collected at Scarborough Gurdwara, so much that it was a struggle to find space for it all in the lobby. We thank all those who contributed as your generosity Read more…