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Sunday, May 21, 2017.

01startmarathonwalkimg_6086On Sunday May 21st the fifth annual Inspirational Steps event involving runners/walkers was held as the participants made their way from various Gurdwaras to the finish at Ontario Khalsa Darbar. Marathon participants started out at Gursikh Sabha Canada in Scarborough with the 31 participants starting in three waves, 4am for first timers,  Read more…

Sunday, April 30, 2017.

01buses-groupThe weather at this year’s Nagar Kirtan was cold, windy, damp, and later in the day it rained. This did not however dampen the spirit of the sangat who made their way in thousands from the CNE Better Living Centre (where the morning diwan was held) to Toronto City Hall (where there were speeches and dignitaries like the Read more…

Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

khalsa-aid-ravi-singhThe GGSCF volunteers were honoured to have a meeting with Ravi Singh, the founder of Khalsa Aid at Dixie Gurdwara. He spent more than an hour explaining the work he does in providing food to desperate parts of the world which are devastated by war, famine and natural disasters. He explained some of the logistical difficulties, the Read more…

Thursday, April 13, 2017.

food-driveFood was collected for the Daily Bread Food Bank on the occasion of Vaisakhi at Scarborough Gurdwara from April 13th to 30th. In total, 2892lbs of food was collected for the Daily Bread Food Bank, who will provide this food to those in need in the GTA area through local food banks. The GGSCF would like to thank all those who contributed.

Thursday, April 13, 2017.

20170413_135057With the help of Punjabi hosts on 770AM, a Vaisakhi Radiothon was held in support of the children sponsored by the GGSCF. The response from the listening sangat was overwhelming on this historic anniversary of the Khalsa. In total $33,800 was pledged and volunteers spent time collecting credit card donations online through Read more…

Saturday, April 8, 2017.

cn1ximg_5965This year, Foundation climbers collected $1100 for the in the CN Tower Stair Climb for the World Wildlife Fund. The funds go to help save wildlife and environmental conservation efforts as more of us inhabit this planet. This year, we also saw the participation of the newly formed Toronto Pearson Airport Sports Running Club, who Read more…

Saturday, April 1, 2017.

pama_1Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) once again began its annual exhibit for Sikh Heritage Month. Foundation members were at the kick-off once again to tell others about our activities, and getting the word out about Inspirational Steps. They were also celebrating Fauja Singh’s birthday as he turned an incredible 106 years Read more…

Saturday, December 3, 2016.

15259255_553100014814728_5196152760434852841_oEvery year the GGSCF gets together to reconnect and plan for the coming year. This year we decided to make it a little more challenging! To thank all our wonderful volunteers for their hard work and dedication to the Foundation we took them to archery tag! Thirty five volunteers gathered at Archers Arena on December 3rd and released Read more…

Monday, November 28, 2016.

vaisakhifooddriveThis November, the sangat at Scarborough Gurdwara collected 5,289 lbs of food for the Daily Bread Food Bank as part of the Guru Nanak Food Drive. We thank all those who contributed to this effort as it goes a long way in helping less-fortunate families throughout the GTA.

Saturday, November 12, 2016.

20161112_193140sMature students visited the Gurdwara to learn more about Sikh faith and practice. They were attended by GGSCF volunteers who showed them around the Gurdwara and also explained Sikhs beliefs and practices. They also enjoyed the langar, especially the rice and sholay, and some were adventurous and tried ladoos.